Gay Puerto Vallarta Businesses and Corona Virus Updates

Here is the latest information from Gay Puerto Vallarta Businesses and Corona Virus Updates. Check back frequently for updates. We encourage everyone to stay safe and follow the health guidelines of local and national authorities.  Please email [email protected] to have your update posted. 

All information here is believed to be accurate at the time of posting, but as always confirm with the individual business for last minute updates. 

  1. Sex and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). What you should know! Here are some tips for how to enjoy sex and to avoid spreading COVID-19. 

Vallarta Food Bank Our vision is for no one to go hungry. We are a non-profit, volunteer based, food bank in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco MX.

Restaurant Gabys Open Take out and set to reopen May 4 2020

Mexico City Gay Pride 2020 cancelled but will include virtual events June 27 starting at 12 noon 

COVID 19 Message from Casa Cupula 4/28/20 Reservations, Pool Club and Bistro Restaurant Schedule

casa cupula

Barcelona Tapas 4/27/20 Inside Dining available with limited seating and reservations

Barre Light 4/20/20 

Vallarta Pride 2020 cancelled 

Jalisco Governor issues guidelines 4/20/20

1. Mask are mandatory from the moment you leave your house.
2. You can only leave your house to the street if it is strictly necessary.
3. The people to consider high risk: older adults, people with hypertension and/or diabetes, people with respiratory diseases DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE.
4. Only economic activities defined as essential can work.
5. No events or meetings of more than 50 people.
6. It is prohibited to use sports centers, plazas, municipal gardens, cultural or community centers.
7. Public transport will operate. It is obligatory that the drivers and passengers wear masks.
8. Strengthen vigilance with incoming highways with particular attention to those arriving from the state of Mexico or Mexico City.
9. The specific provisions and the corresponding sanctions for not following these instructions will be published today in the Official Journal of the State of Jalisco.
10. The municipalities will be in charge of verifying compliance.
Administrative penalties can be:
a. Warning.
b. Fine.
c. Temporary or definitive closure that could be partial or total.
d. Arrest for up to 36 hours

Mexico Subsecretary of Health 4/16/20 extends quarantine until May 30, 2020. They are expecting the peak for the country of Mexico between May 5-10th. Therefore they are extending the quarantine (cuarentena) from the original April 30th through the end of May now. However, communities with low or no transmission of the Covid19 illness MAY be given the go-ahead to return to school and other considered non-essential activities on May 17th. That’s if they maintain this status between now and then. Our municipality is NOT considered a green zone that will be allowed to resume normal business on May 17th. Therefore, as of now, expect to continue the favorable behavior (which they showed through graphs for each state) that has helped control the transmission of Sars-COV-2 (the virus that causes the illness Covid19). The goal is to return to normal business by June 1st if people comply with the rules of this order to “quarantine.

Macho Alpha Dropoff 

Daiquiri Dicks 4/28/20 is open Wednesday through Monday, 10am to 9pm * Dine in (with all new protocols in place), take out & delivery

Volaris Flights that will operate in April 2020 Monterrey-Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta-Tijuana, Ciudad de México-Puerto Vallarta, Bajío-Puerto Vallarta


Vallarta Food Bank 4/3/20

Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez confirms there is no suspension of Alcohol in Jalisco. 

Mexican National Government declares a National Health Emergency. Puerto Vallarta closes Beaches, Public Plazas and Malecon 4/1/20 The Mexican government declared a national health emergency on March 30,2020 and imposed restrictions on non-essential activities in the public, private, and social sectors until April 30.  Essential activities include medical services and supplies, public safety, fundamental economic functions, government social programs, and critical infrastructure.  Schools in Mexico are also closed until April 30.  For more details and for information on state and municipal restrictions, please visit our COVID-19 webpageSee the official announcement of the regulations that only non essential businesses can remain open.

Pinnacle Resorts 4/2/20 Pinnacle Offices are closed please contact us via chat on the website or via email [email protected].

Los Mercados Staying Open 3/31/20

Mexico City Gay Pride 2020 3/30/20

Opportunity to Give 3/30/30 

Vallarta Heat 3/30/20 


Hotel Mercurio and Beers Boys and Burgers See you Soon!

Di Vino Dante March 30, 2020

El Arrayan 3/30/20

Secrets Puerto Vallarta 3/28/20

RIU Hotels in Puerto Vallarta and Nuevo 3/27/20 All Puerto Vallarta and Nuevo Vallarta locations are closed until further notice.

Nayarit Office of Tourism 3/26/20 regarding the closing of Nayarit Beaches.  TRANSLATION courtesy of Paco Ojeda The governor of Nayarit made a statement 3/25/20 calling for controlled access to beaches, not to closing beaches. The statement was misinterpreted. Being weeks away from Semana Santa, hotels panicked. That said, what the Governor seems to want to do is to create awareness among the population and the hotel industry: folks should stay at home. Also, closing beaches is a federal matter, so no state authority can do that. Authorities are not expecting for a sense of “normalcy” to return to the tourism sector until July 2020.  Article

New SETAC Prep Information 3/25/20

Puerto Vallarta Airport 3/25/20 Not closing and taking extra precautions. 

Los Muertos Brewery 3/25/20

Now serving: Employee Meals! Each day our kitchen creates a dish to feed our employees. Starting tomorrow, we will begin offering those meals to everybody. Cost will be $100 pesos. All proceeds for the meals will go directly to our employees to help supplement the dramatic decrease to the gratuities they’ve been earning while our dine-in service is suspended. Any leftovers will also be sent home with our staff to share with their families. Check back daily for our specials. Available for take out and delivery only. 

¡Comidas de empleados! Cada día nuestra cocina crea un platillo diferente para alimentar a nuestros empleados. A partir de mañana, comenzaremos a ofrecer esas comidas a todos. El costo será de $100 pesos. Todos los ingresos de las comidas irán directamente a nuestros empleados para ayudar a complementar la disminución de las propinas que han estado ganando durante la suspensión nuestro servicio en restaurante. Todo lo que no sea haya logrado vender también serán enviadas a casa con nuestro personal para compartirlas con sus familias. Vuelve a diario para ver nuestras ofertas especiales. Disponible solo para llevar y entrega.



Si Senor Blue Shrimp 3/25/20 

Archie’s Wok 3/24/20


Jubileo Semana Santa Puerto Vallarta The event postphoned until July 30 to August 2 2020

Dees’s Coffee 3/23/20 Open until 2pm today

Vallarta Adventures 3/22/20 per a chat with Vallarta Adventures reservations  their tours are suspended until 4/03/2020 and for our dolphin programs until 30/03/2020.

Joe Jacks 3/21/22

Vallarta Botanical Gardens 3/22/20  closed from March 22, 2020 until further notice


Fly Swoop 3/22/20

WestJet Extra Flight between March 23-25 2020

23 Mar 2247 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Calgary 16:25 21:22
23 Mar 2153 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Vancouver 15:25 19:38


3/22/20 Acqua Gym
Closing starting Tuesday 3/24/20

Cafe De Olla 3/21/20

Swoop 3/21/20


Bar Fridas 3/21/20


Barrio Bistro 3/21/20


Act 2 PV 3/21/20


Chachalacabar 3/21/20


Wet and Wild Gay Cruise 3/21/20 All cruises suspended until April 11, 2020

Apaches 3/21/20


PVRPV and Laundry 3/21/20

Casa Cupula 3/21/20 Pool Club, Pump Gym and Spa, and Bistro closed from 3/22/20 until 3/26/20


El Arrayan 3/21/20

Southwest Airlines Puerto Vallarta Updated March 20, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. CT.

  • Last flight from the United States to Puerto Vallarta will operate on Sunday, March 22.
  • Last flight from Puerto Vallarta to the United States will operate on Sunday, March 22.
  • Our current plan is to resume normal operations on Monday, May 4.
  • Click here to rebook.

Nacho Daddy 3/20/20

The Fit Club 3/20/20

Pinata PV Gay Hotel 3/20/20

Dear Friends,

Being a Small Gay Business, Supported by Gay Men, we are essentially Extended Family & Friends and Share so many Similarities. We are Very Grateful at Piñata to have received so many Inspiring Messages of Concern for Us and Community. We are in Good Spirits and Equally here for the Same ride For All. We are here now and in the foreseen future, no changes and Sheltering in Place to be ready for the new normalcy. And during these community changes, be certain that Beyond Piñata we continue to Champion & Advocate for a Healthy and Happy Community to support all that Live, Work, & Vacation Puerto Vallarta.

Nos Vemos Pronto y Todo lo Mejor,

Ronnie & David and Men of Piñata


Mantamar Beach Club 3/20/20

United States Embassy Services 3/18/2020

American Citizens Services:  Routine passport (including consular reports of birth abroad) and notarial services will be limited starting March 18.  Individuals with appointments after March 18 may be asked to reschedule their appointments for a later date.  Check here for appointment availability at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City or at any of our nine consulates or nine consular agencies throughout Mexico.  U.S. citizens in need of 24/7 emergency assistance should call 81-4160-5512 (from Mexico) or +1 (844) 528-6611 (from the United States).  Click here to learn about the latest COVID-19 developments in Mexico along with precautions to take to protect your health and safety

Canadian Embassy Services  3/18/2020

WALMART 3/20/20

They are limiting the quantities you can buy and how many people they allow in at once. Also hours is 7am to 11 pm. Call the PV local Walmart for more specifics. 



Recibe un cordial saludo, por este medio te informo que el Gobernador del Estado, en uso de sus facultades que le confieren los artículos 152 de la Ley General de Salud, 4º fracción I, 146 y 152 de la Ley de Salud del Estado de Jalisco, emitió el Acuerdo mediante el cual se emiten medidas que serán vigentes a partir del día miércoles 18 de marzo de 2020 y hasta nuevo aviso, con la finalidad de evitar y contener la propagación del brote COVID-19, entre las que se determina el cierre total de los siguientes giros comerciales:

– Casinos
– Centros Nocturnos
– Salones de fiesta y/o eventos
– Antros, Bares, Cantinas o análogos, que tengan una concentración mayor a 50 personas.

Por otro lado, se recomienda el reforzamiento de las medias de higiene y limpieza en los siguientes giros:

– Cines,
– Restaurantes, y
– Gimnasios.

Realizando las siguientes acciones para la Limpieza y desinfección de espacios:

• Limpiar y desinfectar los lugares de uso frecuentemente con especial énfasis en las zonas con mayor tránsito y manipulación (barandales, manijas de puertas entre otras).
• Preparar una solución con 1% de cloro y 99% de agua, es decir, 10 mililitros (cucharada grande) de cloro por cada litro de agua.
• Limpiar y desinfectar superficies y objetos de uso común.
• Mantener limpio y ventilado el entorno y de ser posible con una adecuada entrada de sol.

De igual manera, te recuerdo que la línea telefónica, está disponible las 24 horas del día y donde personal de la Secretaría de Salud realizará una evaluación rápida y de acuerdo a esto se canalizará el caso para continuar la investigación epidemiológica si así corresponde.

Presidenta, seguiremos en comunicación permanente, reiterando que estas medidas solo tendrán éxito si trabajamos juntos, te solicito mantenernos atentos y se sigan los canales oficiales de información del Gobierno de Jalisco y del Gobernador.

Sin otro particular por el momento, me reitero a sus apreciables órdenes.


Greetings from the Governor of the State of Jalisco, in use of his powers conferred by articles 152 of the General Health Law, 4th section I, 146 and 152 of the Health Law of the State of Jalisco, issued effective from Wednesday March 18, 2020 and until further notice, in order to prevent and contain the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, among which the closure is determined of the following businesses:

– Casinos
– Nightclubs
– Party rooms and / or events
– Clubs, Bars, Canteens or the like, with a concentration greater than 50 people.

On the other hand, the reinforcement of hygiene and cleaning stockings is recommended in the following businesses:

– Cinemas,
– Restaurants, and
– Gyms.

Carrying out the following actions for cleaning and disinfecting spaces:

• Clean and disinfect places of use frequently, with special emphasis on areas with greater traffic and handling (handrails, door handles, among others).
• Prepare a solution with 1% chlorine and 99% water, that is, 10 milliliters (large tablespoon) of chlorine for every liter of water.
• Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects of common use.
• Keep the environment clean and ventilated and, if possible, with adequate sunlight.

Likewise, I remind you that the telephone line is available 24 hours a day and where personnel from the Ministry of Health will carry out a rapid evaluation and according to this the case will be channeled to continue the epidemiological investigation if so it corresponds.

We will continue in permanent communication, reiterating that these measures will only be successful if we work together, I request that you stay vigilant and follow the official information channels of the Government of Jalisco and the Governor.

Without further ado for the moment, I reiterate your appreciable orders.



Gabys Restaurant 3/19/2020

I am devasted and still in shock after quickly having to suspend operations of my restaurant It was a difficult but necessary decision made in order to protect our employees and our customers during the current health crisis. My heart is heavy for my employees, their families, my colleagues, and the industry at large. This community is made up of some of the strongest, most hardworking and talented people I know. We will work hard to get through this together and be stronger because of it. My team and I look forward to getting back to doing what we love as soon as we can. Stay Safe & healthy.

HAMAM Turkish Boutique Spa 3/18/2020

Effective Thursday, March 19th, HAMAM Turkish Boutique Spa in Puerto Vallarta will be closed to the public until further notice. We hope to see you again in near future!

Diana’s Tours 3/18/2020

Closed until further notice. Last cruise for 2020 season is March 19, 2020.


We are suspending until further notice rapid testing, delivery of condoms and other activities.
We will only be seeing PrEP program users and Wellness patients in the Versalles offices.
By official policy we won’t be exposing our staff to other users while we practice the “social distancing” strategy and a quarantine until further notice.

Because of the preventative health measures related to the current COVID-19 virus, our offices in Lazaro Cardenas street will be closed until further notice.

Wellness Center services will continue to be offered at our offices in Versalles, from where we will also be developing strategies to help protect our Community, especially our older residents, against the COVID-19 virus.

We will continue full-speed with the PrEP protocol, under the proposed guidelines of the principal researcher of the ImPrEP protocol in Mexico City to benefit our participants.

Bravos PV -Siam and Poblanos 3/18/2020

To our valued guests,

We are all navigating uncharted territory with really no road map for exactly how we should be operating our business in this COVID-19 environment. What we can all agree on and understand is that the health and safety of our team members, guests, and our community is of the greatest importance. With all that we know based on guidance from our municipal and federal mandates, we have made the decision to close Bravos-Siam and Poblanos restaurants this evening March 18th at 10pm until we feel it is safe to re-open. Of course, we wish we could continue to do business as normal, keeping our people working and continuing to offer hospitality to our guests. However, it is absolutely necessary that we do the responsible thing and keep people safe.
The story will continue to evolve and at some point, while we have no idea when this may be, we will soon be able to pick up where we left off. We are relying upon todays very difficult decision and the collective sacrifices of everyone of our team members in the strongest possible position to do so. We will continue to lead with our hearts and our minds. This is a dynamic situation and we know we will continue to have to adjust. We cannot wait until we can welcome you back with open doors. Take care and be good to one another.

Michael Boufford
Para nuestros valiosos invitados,
Todos estamos navegando por un territorio inexplorado sin realmente una
hoja de ruta para saber exactamente cómo debemos operar nuestro negocio en este entorno COVID-19. En lo que todos podemos estar de acuerdo y comprender es que la salud y la seguridad de los miembros de nuestro equipo, los invitados y nuestra comunidad es de suma importancia. Con todo lo que sabemos basado en la orientación de nuestros mandatos municipales y federales, hemos tomado la decisión de cerrar los restaurantes Bravos-Siam y Poblanos esta noche del 18 de marzo a las 10 pm hasta que consideremos que es seguro volver a abrir. Por supuesto, desearíamos poder seguir haciendo negocios normalmente, manteniendo a nuestra gente trabajando y ofreciendo hospitalidad a nuestros huéspedes. Sin embargo, es absolutamente necesario que hagamos lo responsable y mantengamos a las personas a salvo.
La historia continuará evolucionando y, en algún momento, aunque no tenemos idea de cuándo puede ser, pronto podremos retomar donde lo dejamos. Confiamos en la decisión muy difícil de hoy y los sacrificios colectivos de todos los miembros de nuestro equipo en la posición más fuerte posible para hacerlo. Continuaremos liderando con nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes. Esta es una situación dinámica y sabemos que seguiremos teniendo que adaptarnos. No podemos esperar hasta que podamos darle la bienvenida con las puertas abiertas. Cuídate y sé bueno el uno con el otro.

Michael Boufford

After much thought and discussion the businesses involved in the SOUTH SIDE SHUFFLE have decide to not have this event for the rest of the season effective March 18, 2020. Be well and safe everyone. Hopefully we will see you all soon. Thank you to all the people who made this event so popular and successful. We wish you all the best in these difficult times. 

Blondies PV 3/18/2020

To our friends, neighbors and visitors to Vallarta, sadly the Corona Virus and it’s effects have reached our shores. The government has decided to be proactive, asking bars, clubs, casinos and entertainment venues to close in order to prevent the inevitable spread of the virus. As of today, both Blondies and Los Otros Blondies will close until further notice. Until then, stay safe, stay home and let’s kick this virus to the curb!
P.S. Technically our apparel and beach gear boutique can remain open, but we will do so by appointment only. Please contact us if you are interested in a personal shopping experience.
Thank you for your continued support, ❤️ Shawn, Dino and the Blondies Crew


Cassandra Shaw Jewerlry 3/18/2020

After much thought CASSANDRA SHAW JEWELRY will be open for appointments ONLY as of Friday March 20, 2020 at 4pm. You can message me or call me for any of your jewelry or painting needs. Otherwise my doors are closed till this blows over. Take care everyone and be well. My cell number is 044 322 227 1864.




ACT 2 PV 3/18/2020

It is with deep sadness that we have decided to make today, Wednesday, March 18th, our closing night of the season. When the virus first hit Mexico we decided to cut seating by 50% way before we were required to. We then decided to close on Sunday – this was before bars and events were told to close. According to the government we are allowed to operate, but given how fast this is moving, we have decided to put our staff, performers and clients first.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you. You can contact Joss Olmos for a refund. We will ask you to consider donating back your ticket purchase to the Act2Pv Emergency Fund. Every peso collected will be used to pay and feed employees of Act2PV for as long as possible.

We thank you for a great season and we promise to bring Entertainment back to PV as soon as it is safe.

We pray that our actions will help expedite the end of this horrible virus and we hope that we can re-open as soon as possible. Thank you to all of our loyal patrons who have made this the best season ever.
Danny Mininni, Alfonso Alfonso LópezOscar Adrian Cisneros


As determined by the Government of Jalisco, we are temporarily suspending our Sunday Beers, Boys & Burgers parties, as well as our Mr. Mercurio 2020 competition until further notice. Pool and restaurant service remains available. However, as determined by official guidelines, we reserve the right to limit the number of guests we serve at any given time. We remain truly grateful to you for choosing Mercurio for your Puerto Vallarta lodging and entertainment. Please stay safe and well informed! Your wellbeing, as well as that of our employees and their families, is of paramount importance to us.

Thank you for your continued support! Soon enough, we will be posting news and updates of new and fun events for you to enjoy. Until then, stay healthy and stay safe.

Por determinación oficial, estamos suspendiendo temporalmente nuestras fiestas dominicales Beers, Boys & Burgers, así como nuestra competencia de Mr. Mercurio 2020. Seguiremos ofreciendo servicio a nuestros clientes en el pool bar pero siguiendo las instrucciones oficiales. Por ello, nos reservamos el derecho de limitar el número de clientes en áreas comunes en cualquier momento. Deseamos agradecer infinitamente tu preferencia. ¡Por favor mantente sano y bien informado! Tu bienestar, así como el de nuestros empleados y sus familias es muy importante para nosotros.

Muchas gracias por tu comprensión. Muy pronto estaremos anunciando nuevos eventos divertidos para todos. Hasta entonces, sigue las indicaciones oficiales para salir adelante.

421 PV 3/18/2020

As of March 17, 421 is closed until further notice.


The Palm Cabaret and Bar

Due to the COVID19 situation in the world in this moment we have to take the hard decision in the best interest of all, our staff, our performers, and mostly you, our clients that it is time to close our doors and call it a season.

We would like to thank our clients and all the artists who have helped make this one of the best seasons ever.

Bitter sweet as it is, we know this is the right thing to do. Any tickets purchased for upcoming shows will be credited for next season, or if you would like to donated it to the performers it will be appreciated, we hope you consider that option therefore it will help the artists financially survive this troubled time. In the final case money can be refunded, we also appreciate your patience, we will answer all your emails.

We wish everyone safe and equally important healthy days ahead.

Thank you for understanding.

Fridas Bar and Kitchen 3/18/2020

In spite of our best efforts we have to close immediately. Thank you all for your support and we will let you know when we will reopening. Take care and stay safe.

Art Market in Marina Vallarta  3/18/2020

Suspended starting Thursday March 19, 2020


Dear Patrons, Colleagues, and Friends,

Out of an abundance of caution and concern for Vallarta’s public health, we feel it is best for Incanto to close effective tomorrow, March 18, 2020. We know that the government (local and global) directive at this time is encouraging everyone to stay home and, at least locally, allows only for small gatherings of 50 or less but we really feel that now is the time to make the call, no matter how many are allowed. It feels like the right thing to do based on our careful watch over the past few day’s events and recommendations from multiple sources and authorities.

We have ideas to bring you some Facebook live broadcasts from the piano bar with just our artists and minimal staff present and we’ll let you know about those in the coming days.

If you’ve purchased tickets online for Incanto shows, you’ll receive refunds automatically. If you purchased at the door, we’re offering show credits for the future by email. If you’d like to donate your ticket purchases to the artists, we are happy to hear that too and will manage that immediately. If you wish to receive refunds, we’ll coordinate that too. Email us at [email protected] to arrange, no matter your choice.

For now, everyone please stay safe and wise in your decisions with public gatherings. Thanks for your support and we appreciate your understanding. We’ll gather again as soon as it is safe to do so, the sooner the better!


Tracy Parks, Incanto
Facebook: IncantoVallarta
Email: [email protected]

Olas Altas Farmers Markets 3/18/2020Home Tours

Given current guidelines on gatherings, and out of an abundance of caution, Tours and IFC leadership have decided to end the Home Tours season effective today March 17. Thank you all , our home owners who offer up their homes for our tours, our volunteers who staff the tours, and our guests for making this great season of charitable fundraising possible!


Dear Friends of Casa Cupula ,

At Casa Cupula we are closely monitoring information about COVID-19 and the coronavirus. Thus far no cases have been reported in Vallarta, but obviously the virus circulates everywhere so precautions are warranted. Puerto Vallarta has a warm climate and in our open air setting the likelihood of transmission may be lower than in cooler drier climates with enclosed spaces. Some guests have extended their stays to “work from home” at Casa Cupula and we welcome them. Others have postponed their visits and we will change their reservations at no charge during this crisis.

Casa Cupula, Pump Gym & Spa and the Pool Club remain open with normal operating hours. We have instituted additional deep cleaning procedures to keep rooms and common areas clean from viruses of any type. We are disinfecting daily all touch surfaces including door knobs, telephones, handles of all types as well as surfaces like countertops. We are leaving Lysol in each room in case guests would like to spray additional areas or personal belongings. We suggest keeping doors open as much as possible to allow fresh air in.

At our pools we ask guests to use clean towels to cover all seating areas. We have hand sanitizer available throughout the property. Our employees have been instructed on prevention techniques and hygiene.

Mexico and Jalisco state have cancelled “massive events”, but have not yet closed venues. Out of an abundance of caution we have temporarily canceled our Saturday Adam & Steve pool parties. The Pool Club, however, will remain open seven days a week noon to 7pm for hotel guests and to the public. As an open-air space there is plenty of room to maintain social distancing and enjoy the sunshine and fresh ocean breeze. We have also temporarily cancelled our Sunday Brunch but will continue to offer the regular breakfast menu on Sundays. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email [email protected].

The LGBT community has suffered through and survived HIV/AIDS, so we know how serious this can be. Unlike that scary time, we already have facts on transmission and who is at risk, and should not panic. Like that time, we all need to rise to the occasion to support one another and not scapegoat anyone. We are all in this together. Casa Cupula was founded in 2002; we survived swine flu and the great recession so we will survive coronavirus and thrive afterward.

Please use the recommended precautions for hygiene and maintain social distancing. Older folks, those with compromised immune systems, heart disease, diabetes or respiratory issues must take isolation very seriously and the rest of us should check that they are okay and offer our love and support. We wish the best to all our guests and friends.

Sincerely yours, Don Pickens Principal, Milagro Properties


H20 Festival

We have received notice from the H2O Festival venues in Puerto Vallarta that the state of Jalisco, which contains Puerto Vallarta, has begun to restrict social gatherings in the state, closing schools, etc. We have had lengthy meetings with the ownership of these venues and have agreed that it would be prudent in light of the evolving guidance from the CDC and WHO, as well as the increasing effort by local government authorities to restrict gatherings, to reschedule H2O Puerto Vallarta for later this year.After reviewing the options available, we are excited to announce that we will be rescheduling H2O Festival to the weekend of November 20-22nd. We are excited about this weekend as it leads into the Thanksgiving Holiday week, allowing people to potentially expand their stay in Puerto Vallarta to enjoy Thanksgiving in Mexico, as well. We will be exploring organizing possible dinner options for Thanksgiving and sharing that information through our social media and website, as well. All tickets purchased for H2O Festival will be revised with the rescheduled dates of the event, and more information regarding using your tickets will be shared going forward.The Almar Resort Luxury LGBT Beach Front Experience is going through the process of setting up the code for H2O hotel reservations for our new dates, and we will send out notice when this is ready. We will be updating our web pages and social media with any lineup changes that we will have to make to accommodate this change, as well. We are committed to retaining as much of our original line-up as possible, and promise that any changes that must be made due to artist scheduling conflicts will reflect our goal of bringing the best and most exciting lineup to Puerto Vallarta for H2O Festival Weekend! TRAVEL CHANGES: The airlines are allowing free changes to reserved travel prior to the end of the month. Tickets are valid for their full value for future purchases up to 1 year from the original date of issue or through December 31, 2020, whichever date comes first. We encourage you to please reach out to your airline and begin the process of rescheduling. For those of you who may still decide to travel to Mexico during our original March dates, please let us know. We will share information from the hotel and venues regarding their plans and activities that may be of interest to you.Thank you for your patience during this stressful time. We look forward to ultimately seeing you on the dancefloor and enjoying Puerto Vallarta together this November!
The H2O Festival Team

Pinata PV Gay Hotel

Dear Friends & Amigos to #PiñataHotel , Piñata Hotel is OPEN #SaturdaySocialParties are #Suspended until further notice to avoid allowing unknown persons into Hotel communal space. This may not Stop the Sharing of Coronavirus but it is Equally #Important and a #SpecialResponsibility we have to all guests and friends to #ReduceRisk. Our effort is to help #SlowTheSpread of the Virus Infection by not exposing you to so many unknown people & travelers from so many locations without your exclusive invitation.

#PiñataHotel will remain #Open for #Guests and the town is still very operational but is sharing public  awareness & information about Coronavirus. Thank you, Piñata Hotel

Queridos amigos y amigos de # PiñataHotel,

#SábadoSocialParties se suspenden # hasta nuevo aviso para evitar permitir que personas desconocidas entren en el espacio comunitario del Hotel. Es posible que esto no detenga el intercambio de coronavirus, pero es igualmente # importante y una # especial responsabilidad que tenemos para todos los invitados y amigos de #ReduceRisk. Nuestro esfuerzo es ayudar a #SlowTheSpread de la infección del virus al no exponerlo a tantas personas desconocidas y viajeros de tantos lugares sin su invitación exclusiva.

# PiñataHotel permanecerá #Abierto para # Huéspedes y la ciudad todavía está muy operativa, pero comparte conciencia pública e información sobre Coronavirus.

Gracias, Hotel Piñata











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